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Baby Bottle Sterilisation

Keeping babies safe

Babies under 12 months old don’t have fully developed immune systems and are at greater risk of experiencing diarrhoea and vomiting if bacteria enters their gut. Milk provides a perfect breeding ground for bacteria that could cause food poisoning if not properly sterilised. In the UK, it is recommended that baby bottles and feeding equipment are thoroughly washed and sterilised before each use until a baby is at least 12 months old.


Quick, safe and convenient

Sterilisation tablets are a quick, safe and convenient method of destroying bacteria and sterilising baby equipment.  Simply dissolve a tablet in cold water and leave your equipment in the solution for 30 minutes.

We also produce disposable sterilising bags so you can sterilise your equipment on the go, wherever you are.

After 30 minutes, equipment is safe and ready to use.

Trusted and Reliable

Sterilising tablets are safe to use for sterilising baby bottles, teats, dummies, utensils, teething rings and some toys.  They are ideal for taking on the go for holidays,  visiting friends or stopping in the car. People and hospitals all over the world trust our tablets to keep their baby bottles safe and clean in their child’s first precious year.

Why Hydrachem

We have been making NaDCC tablets for over 50 years and are relied upon by some of the world’s largest healthcare institutions and governments.  We take no risks when it comes to quality control, because a poor quality product could be the difference between life and death.

World Leader

We are the world’s leading manufacturer of baby bottle sterilization tablets, known under a variety of brand names including Oasis and other own-label world-famous brands. 

Contract Manufacturing

We contract manufacture own-label baby bottle sterilisation tablets on behalf of some of the worlds leading and best-known brands. 

Our technology utilises the very latest advancements in manufacturing, combined with the very best formulation chemists and engineers. You can be confident that our tablets follow the strictest EU guidelines and quality control procedures to deliver consistent, effective tablets with long shelf lives.  Customers all over the world trust us to maintain the high standards their customers expect of their brand.