Cert Eco Surface Cleaning Tablets
Cert. is a Hydrachem brand of effervescent NaDCC tablets which kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses on surfaces, including covid-19.
Cert. was born during the global pandemic as an infection control solution for people in their homes and workplaces.

Why Cert
During the 2020 global pandemic, the UK Health Security Agency (then known as Public Health England) provided specific instructions for what a cleaning solution needed in order to effectively destroy Covid-19 on a surface.
Harnessing our tableting technology and formulation expertise, we were quickly able to manufacture effervescent NaDCC tablets to meet this exact specification and produce a surface cleaning solution that was both effective and safe for people to use in their homes.
At a time of deep uncertainty, Cert. tablets gave families and businesses reassurance that their homes and shared spaces were effectively sanitised and covid-safe.

Tested & Approved
UK Health Security are very clear about what can destroy COVID-19 and other viruses on surfaces. They suggest you should use: “a combined detergent AND disinfectant solution at a dilution of 1,000 parts per million available chlorine (ppm av.cl.).”
Cert.’s predosed tablets ensure you meet this 1,000ppm av.cl requirement. Its easy drop-in-and-dissolve disinfectant and compatible detergent format ensures you can thoroughly clean AND disinfect with just a spray and a wipe – easy for most homes and businesses.
This compact, powerful yet highly effective cleaning tablet kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, including Covid-19.
Technical Information
How to buy
At Hydrachem we are capable of manufacturing bespoke to customer specifications and packaging configurations. To find out more please click on the links below.