Our Tablets...
have the power to restore water from something that could bring disease and even death, to its intended function of supporting life.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
turn water into something that can destroy life-threatening viruses and bacteria.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
allow water to stay in the Earth's hydrological cycle until its actually needed, instead of being stored in plastic bottles in warehouses.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
keep hospitals and patients around the world safe, even in areas with no access to clean water.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
turn water into something that can save babies around the world from food poisoning.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

For us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
allow us to only use the Earth's water when we need it, minimising the impact on climate change.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.

For us, it has always been about the water.

Our Tablets...
allow war-torn countries and disaster zones access to clean and safe drinking water, immediately.
ScrollFor us, it has always been about the water.